Coloring Worlds of Wonder of Johanna Basford

Hi! Today I will be going to share on how I colored this page from the new book of Johanna Basford World of Wonders, My books is a Japanese version which I really love the color of the cover.


  • World of Wonders Adult Coloring Book
  • Neocolors II
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Winsor & Newton Watercolor
  • Craft Knife
  • Tweezers
  • Piece of plastic, food wrap or Ziploc plastic bag
  • Spray bottle with water

Here's how the Japanese version looks like

Before I started working on this page, I assure that I have secured the under layer page buy placing another paper underneath and also done that on the next page. I even carefully placed a masking tape or washi tape on the spine.

and for the paint or any pigment go into the illustration itself I secured it with a paper and a washi tape as well. 

Here's the image on how it looks like.

I have used a craft knife and a tweezers 

Craft knife is to carefully cut the excess washi tape 
Tweezers is to help my pill off the washi tape easier

Note that you have to be really carefully and cutting the excess gently and avoiding to cute the paper of the book itself, this needs a lot of patience but don't worry you'll get there and just enjoy the process.

here's the image where I have finally finished cutting the excess washi tape. Yepee!!

Now it's playtime! first I am going to use neocolors, water soluble crayons, it's one of my favorite medium nowadays when it comes to coloring. 

I'll be using 
Phthalocyanine green and Sapphire Blue,  good that I do not have to pronounce the Phthalocyanine here, haha!

Next I grabbed my ziploc bag and cut a small piece of it, about 10x10 inches

The I add some pigment on the plastic

and sprayed a little bit of water 

I carefully placed the plastic on the book like this

Please note that if you mistakenly added so much water you can drag the plastic on the rest of the book until there is no more water left.

Continue doing the same process until you are satisfied and the whole page is covered with neocolors, 

It should somehow look like this

You can add more layers if you want too, just be careful on how much water you are going to spray on the plastic.

This looks so messy but this is how it looks like when I have removed the washi tape and the paper that secure the illustration

Wait until the background is dried until you work on the illustration, for me I left mine overnight to be sure that it is totally dried.

and for the illustration, I have used neocolors too to color it 

and added some watercolor and acrylic for the details and here's the finished page!
If you have any question feel free to ask, and I will gladly answer as soon as I can.
I hope you find this helpful and inspiring!

Enjoy and Happy Coloring

Coloring Dark Skin


Today I'll going to share to you on how I have colored a dark skin coloring a page from the Artist/ Illustrator Monja Michelle Gates

Monja Gates is one of my favorite artists, she also do live streaming on her own YouTube channel which inspires me to color portraits with realistic look, although I am still learning how to do it, but I am still going to share how I have colored this page! 

Last March there is a color along on Instagram called #MonjaMarch which is hosted by a very talented colorist - AmazonTammy who is based in Australia

Here's her YouTube Channel and Instagram, I definitely recommend her channel as she is very great and fast at coloring, also a fun and very sweet person.

Amazon Tammy



I have dedicated the whole month of March for Monja Gates, and Monja was so generous enough to give a giveaway of a page from her Etsy as a prize which I am very grateful!

The page that I am going to show you is a page from the book Color My Dream 2 (Released Date: 2020/1/23)

Here's a Video Flip through of the book

On this project I used Prismacolor Premier

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

As a bonus, here's a bonus on how I blended the whole page using a baby oil and a blender stamp

which I find it helpful with low budget but effective way of blending the colored pencil to this book.

And here's the finished Image

I hope you find it helpful and if you have any question, don't hesitate to do so. 

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Kanoko Egusa Symphony of Cute Animals

Here's a Video Flipthrough of this Book

Symphony of Cute Animals - Kanoko Egusa 

Media used: Colored Pencils Castle Art Supplies

Here's a video tutorial for this page

Free Printable Downloads Just for you

Have you experience that once you wanted to use the same color palette that you’ve used in your previous work but already forgot what it was? I was like that too since I always want to just color. So I have created these charts for an easy access to write down what are my favorite combos or what I’ve used on a certain page. That way I can never forget anymore and I can always go back and track what pencils and what product that I’ve use.

So as a Welcome Gift I am giving these two Charts for you! A Free Skin Color Combination and Color Combination Printable Download so you can make yours too today! Here’s an Empty Chart that you can fill in to get track of what colors you have used for your colored pages and so you’ll never ever forget anymore what you have used. You can also make a chart for your favorite color combos!

Gemstone Free download Practice Sheet


This practice sheet that you can download and print on what ever paper you would like to use, and you can even try using your different medium or your favorite brand to see for comparison.

Download here

Also made a tutorial, I know it’s not a new tutorial but I’ve thought sharing how I do it.

Enjoy and Happy Coloring!

Adult Coloring helped me!

According to CNN Health that Adult coloring has a therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring about more mindfulness. Like meditation, coloring allows the brain to switch off other thoughts and focus.

Let me tell you about my little secret before I started into Adult coloring which I am shy to tell to anyone, I am telling this to you now in order for you to understand better why Adult Coloring has helped me get through.

In the past 2 years I experience different big events in my life, like lost of love ones, betrayal from my trusted family members then followed by leaving my son in my home town (he chose to live there) and moved in Japan, followed by moving again to another city and again will move by the end of the month. My life totally changed, from being so friendly, I have no one else to talk to but my husband. Yet Language barrier lead me to huge frustrations, I have never had a chance to just let my feelings out. So stress, anxiety, depression got bigger and it came to a point I was already loosing it like I was once went to a place not knowing how I arrived there. And at the same time I lost interest on everything and so on…

I cannot remember how it happened that I ended up watching Art videos and felt that I want to drawn or color again. After days of searching on the internet on what would be a great idea to make my mind busy, and found Adult Coloring.

September 2019 I bought this cheap coloring book and colored pencils to try it out. It was around 200¥ around $2.

And this was my first attempt

As soon as I finished this page made me feel happy and love how it turned out. As soon as I uploaded it on my Instagram account, I gain a lot of comments and messages welcoming me to adult coloring! It was fun and it boosted my self-esteem which until now made me want to learn more and excel more from coloring. Now I can say I am back to a normal life and less drama. I met a lot of lovely people all around the world. Receiving advice, comfort and so much support from the community is one of the best feeling. Now I am waking up happy and productive. I want to create more and I want to share more happy colorings!

If you have any question feel free to message me or just comment what ever you want to say.

Take care and Stay safe!